This is an arcade shoot-em-up game for Spectrum 48K (without music)/128K (with AY music) made using AGDX (a modified version of Arcade Game Designer 4.7) and AGDMusicizer II.
This game is based on Ultimate's game Jet Pac © [1983], made from Douglas Bagnall's game code of Jet Pack Bob © [2017].
The main character is Neo, a brave astronaut.
The game has 25 playable screens, representing 5 different planets with 5 distinct zones each.
In the first level of each Planet, Neo must assemble his new rocket (which is divided into 3 parts spread across the screen).
Then, he must collect 6 fuel container to refill the rocket and then take off to the next location.
After the first level, the rocket stays assembled and
just requires refuelling.
Neo also will find some planet souvenirs that increases the score.
But Neo don't have easy work...
Neo's gun fire system only allows firing one shot at the time (not continuously like in JetPac game).
To increase the difficulty, each time Neo accidentally hits a fuel container, it explodes and Neo also loses a fuel container already collected and placed on the rocket.
Ah! And occasionally Neo's gun become overloaded and momentarily stops firing.
The local creatures became hostile to our hero and just a touch with Neo to both explode and the player lose a life.
Careful with the deadly beams too. One touch and there goes another life.
The game starts with 5 lives.
Assembling a rocket add 1 extra life.
Losing all of them means GAME OVER.
There's a 2 mode game:
- a normal one (like Jetman in JetPac, Neo flies faster than walks);
- a slow one (Neo flies and walks slowly).
The character can be moved using only Keyboard:
- Q for UP
- O for LEFT
- P for RIGHT
- X for QUIT
- Game made by Jaime Grilo using:
- - Arcade Game Designer eXpert (AGDX) by AGDLabs (a mod version of Arcade Game Designer (AGD) 4.7 by Jonathan Cauldwell)
- AGDMusicizer II by David Saphier - Loading screen by José Silva
- Font by Paul Van Der Laan
- Music by Fatal Snipe
- Game tested by André Luna Leão
Game download (normal version)
Game download (slow version)
Play Online
Cassette release
Reviews and other stuff:
- Planeta Sinclair
- Saberman
- ZX Spectrum Star