In this part of the adventure, Laetitia has to
collect and bring aunt's home some ingredients for the magic potion:
floris vitalis;
dragon's tooth;
ancient claw;
pumpkin seeds.
She will need the help of the old sage, so she
has to find some objects to bring to him, too, such as:
pan flute;

This part has 29 playable screens.
First, Laetitia has to collect 4 floris vitalis and bring it back to her aunt.
Then she has to speak to the old sage for him to give her the key of the dragon's cave, where she can collect a dragon's tooth.
The old sage asks her to help him find his pan flute.
The flute is
near a carnivorous plant.
To get the flute,
Laetitia has to use her magic spell to temporarily freeze the plant.
She can do that to all carnivorous plants she finds to get access to some
After the old
sage gives her the dragon's cave key, Laetitia can now access and start
exploring the cave in search of the dragon's tooth.
To reach her
goal, she has to use her magic against the dragon's head 4 times for temporarily
stops his fire balls and took the tooth. If she has killed or leaves the
screen, the hit count become aero and Laetitia has to start hitting dragon's
head again.
After that, she
must explore the cave to find Fang's sword and bring it back to the sage.
When she reaches aunt's house, she has to enter and give Runella the dragon's tooth.
To reach and get
the ancient claw, Laetitia must get the access door key first.
But that's not enough.
She must bring
back Fang's sword to the old sage so he can give her the chest key where's
ancient claw.
But beware of
the poisoned room...

After that,
Laetitia give her aunt the ancient claw and asks old sage for the pumpkins' cave
door key.
With the key in
her hands, she now can explore the cave and hit the master pumpkin several
times for it explodes and Laetitia can collect the seeds.

- The ones that only make her energy decrease, such as:
- bats
- pumpkins
- ghosts
- thorn plants
- poison plants
- sharp stones
- smoke from the chimney
- the top part of the trees (leaves and branches)
- And the ones that kills her, such as:
- carnivorous plants
- spiders
- glowing pumpkins (except the one with the master pumpkin)
- master pumpkin
When the energy is over (all the red hearts are empty), Laetitia loses a life.
She will also find energy potions in her way to regain energy again.
In the bottom of the game screen we can see:
- The floris vitalis item with the number of flowers collected;
- The witch hat with the number of lives;
- The yellow pocket and the objects that Laetitia has with her;
- The big red heart and the small red hearts that represents her energy.

Laetitia starts
with 3, 5, 7 or 9 lives.
The player
chooses it when the game starts:
- Q for 3 lives
- A for 5 lives
- O for 7 lives
- P for 9 lives
- any other key, the player starts with 5 lives
The character can be moved using Keyboard, Kempston Joystick or Sinclair. Select the desired control scheme by pressing 1, 2 or 3 in the Menu.
The Keyboard
controls are as follow:
- Q for UP / Leave the house, cave or room
- A for DOWN / Enter house, cave or door rooms
- O for LEFT
- P for RIGHT
- M for FIRE magic spell
- H for PAUSE
JUMP + UP = Higher jump
In PAUSE mode, DOWN = Quit game